How to Use Hashtags Correctly On Instagram

Instagram is one of the best online marketing tools. Using it to market your products or services is one of the best moves you can make. This is because you will reach out to millions of people from different corners of the continent who are using the app. Marketing through this platform is quite simple. You need to open an account and start sharing your products or services.

There are several strategies you should utilize if you want to reach out to a bigger number of people. One of the most popular Instagram strategies is the use of hashtags. Using specific hashtags will make it easier for you to reach a wider audience and generate more engagement on your posts. Coming up with the right hashtags for your marketing posts on Instagram may prove to be a daunting task. There are several tools you can use that will help you generate the best. 

All you have to do is input the keywords you want to use, and they will bring up a list of matching hashtags. One tool you can use is Poprey Generator that will help you find the best optimal Instagram hashtags. You should not just use any random hashtag as this will not generate the kind of engagement you need on your posts. Here is how you should go about the use of Instagram hashtags. 


You need to take your time to research on the hashtag you intend to use for your marketing campaign. Make sure you go for something relevant and popular during that particular moment. The hashtag you choose for your marketing campaign should be related to your brand or the products you are pushing.

Use Multiple Hashtags

It is also good you try a number of hashtags on your Instagram post. They should be relevant tags that will attract more engagements to your post. Research on some of the most popular hashtags during that period to find out which ones are the best. What you should do is avoid stuffing your posts with a lot of hashtags. Two to three hashtags with a great caption are the best to pull the kind of engagement you need.

Avoid Repetition

One mistake most people make when pushing their products or brands on Instagram is using the same hashtag over and over again. You will find them using the same hashtag on more than five posts. It is very difficult to identify which hashtags are the best for your brand because you will be repeating the same thing all over again. Try to diversify by looking for different tags to use in new posts.

Avoid Mixing With Captions

Mixing hashtags with your captions is the other thing you need to avoid. This is because of the difficulty many find in reading captions full of hashtags. The best thing to do is to use them at the end of your caption. This way, you will drive your message clearly and generate more engagements in your post.

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