What Is Link Juice And How To Apply It Strategically On Your Blog?

One of the most powerful and, at the same time, most unknown aspects of actions to optimize SEO positioning, is the link juice. It belongs to the On-page SEO techniques, and it is quite simple to apply if it is managed strategically.

But for this, you must be clear about some concepts, and to show you how this technique works and in what way you could apply it in your law business site which, comrade web agency can help, a blog or any website. I encourage you to read this post in which we are going to see what this link juice consists of.

What is Link Juice?

This concept ‘link juice’, is strategically applied in SEO to transfer authority between different URLs within the same web page or blog (it could also be subdomains, provided they are part of the same site).

Therefore, and according to its definition, we could say that it serves or that its main functions are:

  • Strengthen the sitemap for Google thanks to a better organization and ranking of content.
  • Redirect the user to other related content on the blog (in this case, although it could be on any other type of page), thus providing value with added information, which also improves usability.
  • And, the most interesting, transfer/share authority to other URLs or, in the case of blogging, to other posts with the content of interest that we want to position for a certain term or keyword. Be careful with this concept, because you have to correctly manage the transfer of this authority (also known as Page Authority) because you could be wasting it.

SEO Concept: Ideally, when making link juice or internally link our content (from URL 1 to URL2), we do it by linking on the term or keyword for which we want to position the URL2. This term is called ‘anchor-text’.

Types of Link Juice Techniques for Your Blog

If you liked this concept, and you are thinking of applying it to your blog to help your best content to rank better in Google:

Internal Link Juice: When we apply this technique in blogging, transferring authority between URLs within the blog itself (something that can be extrapolated to any web domain).

External Link Juice: On the contrary, when we do external link juice, we also include links to external URLs that, unless we are interested in positioning as well, we usually include with a ‘nofollow’ link.

How to include nofollow links in your blog posts? To do this, you can activate WordPress plugins such as Title and Nofollow for links, or directly include the tag rel =” nofollow” in the code.

Difference between External Link Juice and Link Building

It is quite common that when thinking about improving SEO positioning if someone talks to you about links directly, link building comes to mind. The off-page version of SEO is the most popular, even though they are two complementary strategies.

While link building is the strategy focused on getting inbound links from other media to your website or blog, the type of external link juice is the one that depends on your strategy, since you would be linking from your site to other pages (which can or not interested in positioning).

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