NDT (Nondestructive Testing) is a broad, interdisciplinary field that plays a critical role in assuring that structural components and systems perform their functions in a reliable and cost-effective manner. NDT technicians and engineers are responsible for defining and implementing tests which are used to locate and characterise material conditions and flaws which could otherwise if left cause planes to crash, reactors to fail, trains to derail, pipelines to burst, and a variety of less visible, but equally troubling events. NDT is very important and critical to many different industries throughout the world.
Within NDT there are many different technologies available to assist, some of which you will already be familiar with!! Prime examples of common NDT technologies used today include:
Visual and optical – Visual examinations are carried out by NDT technologies, used to look at the eye’s surface for visible imperfections using computer-controlled camera systems that are trained to recognise and measure features.
Radiography – Radiography uses penetrating gamma- or X-radiation on materials to look for defects and to examine features and properties of a product. An X-ray is a form of NDT radiography and certainly something that you all will have heard of.
Ultrasonic testing – Ultrasonic testing uses NDT technology which uses high-frequency sound waves to detect imperfections and to locate changed in material properties. This is commonly used to detect product’s internal imperfections which cannot be seen by the human eye.
Penetrant testing – Penetrant testing using either a LPI or FPI penetrant system is a testing method which covers a product in fluorescent liquid/dye which when then removed leaves liquid only on defects highlighting them to all. This is both a quick and affordable method of NDT and one that is rapidly growing in popularity each day.
Leak testing – Several techniques are used to detect and locate leaks in pressure containment parts, pressure vessels, and structures. They detected by using electronic listening devices, pressure gauge measurements, liquid and gas penetrant techniques, or simple soap-bubble tests. Leak testing is very common, used in many, many industries.
There really are many forms of NDT and NDT is more important than many think, with many industries now heavily relying on it to ensure the quality safety and efficiency of their products. Anyone looking for more information in regards to NDT should contact ATH NDT today. ATH NDT are leading NDT line manufacturers and suppliers, able to assist companies in ensuring they have the most appropriate and beneficial LPI lines in place.
Full details regarding ATH NDT including their contact details are available on their website